Friday, October 9, 2009

Jour de la fusée

It was yesterday, and it was pretty awesome. However, not the best day of my life, as my teacher had said it would be.
My school was on the local news this morning for the football game of the week. If I had gotten to school at 5:30, I could have been on TV for having had pep. However, I do not like pep and could find something else to do at 5:30 in the morning. And we lost the football game to the team we've beaten for the past nine years. Oh well.
I have been doing more on the Milton thing today. That doesn't mean that I'm writing a lot, but it means that something is being written. Which is encouraging, but I really just want it to be November already so I can end this novel with "They all died. The end."
There are two blogs all y'all need to hear about right now.
The first is Fred's Blog. Fred is the director of the camp that I go to, and he's one of the most awesome people I know. Right now, he's going to Palestine as part of the Michigan Peace Team, trying to stop conflict without taking sides, very contrary to what our government feels is right. Good stuff.
The next one is ClubOrlov, which I think I've blogged about before. ClubOrlov thinks that the country is falling apart, and while he often sounds like a crazy person, he has a lot of interesting ideas. Today's post, about Obama's Nobel Peace Prize is quite uplifting. Everyone else says "Woah, no one ever gets the Nobel Peace Prize their first year in office! That's great!" and ClubOrlov says "Obama, you get a Nobel Peace Prize as a consolation for the fact that you'r country is falling apart and there's nothing you can do to stop it!"
I've been considering a sign off on my posts. HayleyGHoover has the whole Sexy/Unsexy thing, that one guy has "All the love in the universe." I need something like that. What do you think?

5 Fab Fans:

Aaron said...

Day of the rocket?

Samantha said...

Yep. In physics.

Aaron said...

How high did it go? How much impulse did it have? How heavy was it? How many fins? What were the fins shaped like? What recovery method did it use?

Samantha said...

Really high.
Impulse? I'm not sure what that means.
We didn't weigh it.
The "Run and get that rocket" method.

Aaron said...

Impulse is the total change in momentum, measured in Newton-seconds. A simpler question would be "What engine class did you use, and how many?"

By recovery method, I mean streamer or parachute.