Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This isn't one of those.

This isn't one of those late night early morning posts where I'm fueled by coffee and diet pepsi and feeling sad and alone and worried.
This isn't one of those posts where I bemoan the fact that I don't blog enough, that I'm not good enough.
This isn't one of those posts where I contemplate the future.
This isn't one of those posts where I talk about writing.  About how all I want to do is write.  About how I wish I could write something perfect and publish it and have something to be proud of.
This isn't one of those posts where I mention that I need to take a shower.
This isn't one of those posts where I mention how interesting other people's lives are.
This isn't one of those posts where I come to the tragic realization that I can never be all that I aim for.

I'm not one of those people.


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