Saturday, January 23, 2010


61% of people who graduate from SCAD with master's degees in historic preservation are working in the field after six months.
Master's Degrees.

This is more than mildly worrying.

8 Fab Fans:

Luna Moon said...

Then do the smart thing. Double major with something else. Or at least get a minor. French? English? Communications?

Samantha said...

I don't want to study historic preservation and then work in something else, and I think that's what the double major idea is geared towards. At SCAD, you can't major in French or Communications. They have Creative Writing, but that's the closest thing to an English Major. Double majoring in one of those things really doesn't make sense for my situation. The most sensible thing would be to do Interior Design, or maybe Architecture, but the employment rates aren't great for those either.
To their credit though, they do have a Quidditch team.

Luna Moon said...

Honestly, I always thought that you'd be an interior design person. But the only way you can really ensure that you're employed in that field is to be the very best you can be! I believe that you can do it!

Samantha said...

The problem with interior design is that you're not really helping the world. I mean, I would end up designing commercial spaces or rich people's houses, and neither of those is doing anybody any good.
You've never seemed like the encouraging type to me before.

Aaron said...

Historic preservation does not help the world.

Samantha said...

Aaron, it seems as though you and I disagree more than I've ever disagreed with anyone else. Congratulations.

Aeromax said...

The world doesn't need helping, it's been here for several billion years and will be here for several billion more. We are what needs helping. As it stands the human race is zipping around doing little fart circles like a balloon with the end cut off. This is a bad thing, because it usually ends in a couple seconds with a sad dead immobile balloon on the ground.

Except it's less like a balloon and more like a zeppelin. Filled with hydrogen. So pretty much the Hindenberg. We are going to need a lot of tape for this one.

Samantha said...

I agree. Humans ending like the Hindenberg is a little bit more than slightly worrying.