Wednesday, January 13, 2010


French teacher, I'm sorry that I wasn't paying attention in class today. I was busy reading Push. I'm 100 pages in, and I really love it. The spelling is a little irritating, but other than that, it's good. I can't wait until class tomorrow so I can read the rest of it.
It makes me think about people. Well, that and Omegle. They both make me think about people in a weird way. Omegle makes me think of how people relate to each other. When you chat on Omegle, a lot of people ask a/s/l. I never tell them. Knowing that I'm a sixteen year old girl from Michigan really doesn't tell you anything about me. If I told you that I've know more about Harry Potter than I should and I like Quiz Bowl and I like French but I can never remember new tenses and I spend too much time looking at interior design blogs and I want to live in a big city and I was kind of angry at springs and the whole entire world during physics today, I feel like you would have a little snapshot into my mind. I like the snapshots. I feel like they give you so much more, and it tells you something, the things that people choose to include and choose to leave out.
Push? Push makes me think of the huge differences between my life and other people's lives and how our background influences every single part of how we interact with others.

5 Fab Fans:

Bianka Rose said...

Run-on sentence, anyone? :P

Good stuff, good stuff.

Luna Moon said...

I lie on Omegle. Actually, I'm gonna do a post on that. See my blog for more...

Samantha said...

Bianka-We're going to call my lack of proper grammar artistic license. Go along with it, AP Lang kid.
Luna-Gee, lying about who you are on the internet? Are you actually an old, creepy man who likes to prey upon teenage girls? That makes me feel safe.

Aeromax said...

The most common age on any given website is always the minimum required age to access said site. Hmm.

Samantha said...

That is quite the coincidence.