Sunday, July 13, 2008

I have no idea what is up with all the weird posts lately.

Honestly. It's not my fault.
Do you ever wonder if you're going to look back in five or ten or twenty years and regret everything you're doing right now? I mean, will I regret spending time blogging and writing and listening to Pandora? Would I not regret hanging out with my friends all the time? Would I not regret partying a lot?
Regret is a very strange beast, and I always seem to be full of it.

3 Fab Fans:

Tree said...

Sam, Look into this word REGRET. I do not understand it that much as well. I would like to hear more of your thoughts on this topic. Peace

Samantha said...

I don't really know why I regret stuff so much. How much do you regret things, on average? I think I'm probably above average in that catagory.

Tree said...

well, I will blog a spot on my thoughts. Keep having fun and enjoying your summer. Hey post some photos of your days. Peace