Why do I have an obscene amount of icons/avatars/whatever you want to call them saved on my computer?
Why did I just cast on for an Urchin? I don't need any more wips! It must be the new yarn daze or something.
Why do *they* tell us about how we need to choose new schedules for next year, *then* they let us go ask teachers about classes, a week later?
What parts of our lives do we remember in the end?
What's worth doing?
Is it a really terrible idea to sign up for French III and French IV next year? Should I just take French III and Health?
Why is Pandora so freeking addictive?
Why was I so surprised that the sermon at the Unitarian Universalist church didn't involve God or Jesus?
Is that the first time I've heard a sermon that never referenced the Bible?
If everyone else in the world was dead and you could live anywhere you wanted, where would it be? Frank Loyd Wright's house? The white house? The Taj Mahal?
Why are stories so fun and easy to start, but terrible to write once you pass 8,000?
Does this sound really stupid? It's supposed to be a journal entry from an annoymous teenager. It's the most recent part of the story.
May 25 8th grade
Dear you,
Do you ever wonder why we’re here? I wonder if some people are just born knowing this, or if we all have to figure it out on our own. If everyone has to figure it out on their own, they how come I seem like I’m the only one without a clue?
Why does everyone else make it seem so easy to do stuff? I can’t think of anything that just comes to me naturally, but it seems like everyone at school just has some god-given ability to be really, really good at something. Maybe it’s soccer, or hockey, or dance, or math, or English, or science.
Where did that miss me? Why didn’t I get something that I’m really really good at? I bet that the one thing I’m really good at is something totally useless, like knowing the name of every single car I see.
I guess that might be my superpower. It’s pretty much pathetic to have the one thing that you’re any good at be knowing car names. It’s not like that’s ever going to be useful in real life or anything. It’s entirely pointless to know
If you can answer any of the questions, put it in the comments!
6 Fab Fans:
Why do I have an obscene amount of icons/avatars/whatever you want to call them saved on my computer? Because some of them are awesome
Why did I just cast on for an Urchin? Because you are Sam. That is what Sam does. duh.
Why do *they* tell us about how we need to choose new schedules for next year, *then* they let us go ask teachers about classes, a week later? Because they lack the ability to think of anything besides of more ways to make HS suck.
What parts of our lives do we remember in the end? The most memorable
What's worth doing? Things you KNOW you won't regret later. Even for a second.
Is it a really terrible idea to sign up for French III and French IV next year? Should I just take French III and Health? Eh. I say French UP! But then you'd be the ONLY junior or senior in a Health class with tiny Freshmen. Lucky people like me are taking NO MATH NEXT YEAR! PARTAY!
Why is Pandora so freeking addictive? Don't know. (what that is or why)
Why was I so surprised that the sermon at the Unitarian Universalist church didn't involve God or Jesus? Church is boring.
Is that the first time I've heard a sermon that never referenced the Bible? Church is boring. And probably not.
If everyone else in the world was dead and you could live anywhere you wanted, where would it be? Frank Loyd Wright's house? The white house? The Taj Mahal? I would run around the Earth. Why the hell would you stay in one place?
Why are stories so fun and easy to start, but terrible to write once you pass 8,000? Because it seems like a job more than a story.
Does this sound really stupid? That question just killed. Sorry kiddo.
What parts of our lives do we remember in the end?
What's worth doing?
Aren't they the same thing? The hard part is figuring YOUR thing out. I still haven't.
I think I can answer a few . . . let me ponder them and get back with you - OK
thanks for answearing...everything, andrea.
How do you figure out *your*thing*?
It's totally Santa Clause. I like e's. I'll add an E to the ende ofe withe or thee ore anythinge Ie wante toe. Ha. toe. Happy Snow Day.
hmm...what parts of our lives do we remember in the end? i'd have to say those things that are one of a kind. like true love (but whoever invented that was seriously overly happy) or maybe those moments that can never happen again. maybe that's why school isn't so memorable.
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