Friday, October 10, 2008


First order of business: My same-sex civil unions bill passed unanimously in class today, which made me very very happy. I was a little bit sad that no one got mad at me though. I love pissing people off with politics. The creepy thing was that I got home from school, checked USA Today because I loves them a lot. There was something about how Vladamir Putin got a baby tiger for his birthday, and then saw this. Freaky, eh? I like to think I had some sort of input on this.
The real topic: NaNoWriMo. I'm actually really excited about NaNo this year. My plot seems way better this year, and I actually have an outline. Super awesome, right? It's sort of like Tuck Everlasting in High School and breaking into abandoned buildings. I need to break into an abandoned building sometime. Wanna come?
Paper Towns? Well, THE LIBRARY HAD IT. And then I tried to check it out and someone else had a hold on it *dies inside*. Then I went to Borders and tried to get it, but it's still in transit. How sad is that?

1 Fab Fans:

Tree said...

Nano is in a few days . . . HOw is school going for you?? Peace