Saturday, January 17, 2009

Half Happy? Maybe 3/4?

This house is so pretty, and I like this desk. Just thought you'd like to know.
It is very cold here. That's why we had the snow day. There wasn't much snow, but it was -11, probably too cold for the buses to start.
I'm almost finished with my math. You have no idea how happy this makes me. This means that after the final, I don't have to think about any of this crap for at least seven months. SEVEN MONTHS.
I would be screaming about how glorious this is, but I have an assignment from a few weeks ago that I haven't done because it is made up of impossible. This could be why I didn't do it in the first place.

5 Fab Fans:

Verisimilitude said...

I think our "cold days" are more to do with little kids who walk to school. There's some kind of math on how long you can be outside without getting frost bite, and if it's under 30 minutes, they cancel school.

Or so I've heard..

Boo math!

Samantha said...

But kids should only have to walk if it's a mile or less, that's district policy. It shouldn't take a half hour to walk a mile.
Maybe it's just when nobody wants to go outside...

Verisimilitude said...

In the snow, it takes me about 10 minutes to walk to school.

...I live across the street. You can see my house from the Atrium.

Bianka Rose said...

neat house, awesome desk. and i really liked knowing those two facts.

Bianka Rose said...

neat house, awesome desk. and i really liked knowing those two facts.