Monday, March 10, 2008

My Sock and I...

I had a really exciting weekend. On Saturday, I went to the DI regional turnoment. I knit a lot while I was there.This is the man in the corn hat. He is a timekeeper. He had the corn hat last year too.
This was waiting for the improv challenge to start. I had a balcony seat,
and I knit
at the awards ceremony.
The sock had never seen that many people in it's life!
Meredy held the sock while we were working at the youth group auction for asp.
The sock handed out numbers.
And I made me a spindle and read A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly. It was a pretty fantabulous book. You really should read it right this very minute. The library should have it in a few hours, after I return it. I read Chicks with Sticks III too. It wasn't as good, don't waste your time unless you're desperate.

4 Fab Fans:

Tree said...

i did not know that you were in DI How did it go? and what was this action thing about? Have a great day

Andrea said...

Man. I wish I had a corn hat...

Samantha said...

I wish I had a corn hat too.
Soulloon, I'm not in DI, but my brother is and I wanted to see him compeate

Tree said...

and if I ever see a corn hat
for you one i will buy . . .